Welcome to our website!
I would like to introduce you to The Tutorial Foundation, a private alternative provision in Bromley which provides an educational setting for pupils in Key Stages 3 to 5 with a specialism in Key Stages 3 and 4. Established in 2005, we have a proven track record in delivering both educational and pastoral support to both mainstream and SEN students, especially those with challenging behaviour. We regularly accommodate children from, for example, Bromley, Bexley, Lewisham, Croydon and North-West Kent.
Our excellent teaching and nurturing environment ensures that our students follow their personalised pathway to reach their full potential by gaining qualifications in Year 11. We have the experience and facilities to accommodate children with special educational needs, particularly those with ASD, ADHD and school refusers.
We provide tutoring in one to one or small groups, both at The Tutorial Foundation and offsite at the student’s home, local library or online, which caters for the needs of the individual child. We offer full-time, part-time or respite provision, available between one to five days a week, Monday to Friday throughout the school term.
Extra-curricular activities include Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award; PE, Art, Cookery, school trips, enrichment activities and themed assemblies.
If you have any pupils whom you think would benefit from our services, I would be happy to have the opportunity to discuss this with you. Please do not hesitate to contact me to arrange a meeting or to request additional information.
Julia Low
Head Teacher
Julia Low, Headteacher, is the member of staff who deals with queries from parents and members of the public.