The Tutorial Foundation – Examination Centre
Deadlines for May-June 2025 series
All examinations for all exam boards 18th February 2025
Deadline for any Access Arrangements 30th November 2024
Any candidates who do not require access arrangements are still welcome to apply for exams in summer 2025, provided we still have space. We are full for GCSE/iGCSE Mathematics, English Literature and Biology and any A Level subjects that are also on at the same time. We have limited availability elsewhere so candidates are encouraged to send their forms in as soon as possible.
The exams office will be closed from Monday 24th December to Friday 3rd January (inclusive).
Emails will be checked intermittently during this time.
For prices, dates etc. for any future exam series,
please complete our Exams Enquiry Form.
To contact our office, please call 0208 460 0181 option 2 or
For prices, dates, etc., of any future exam sessions, please complete our Exams Enquiry Form. To contact our office, please call 0208 460 0181 option 2 or email;

The Tutorial Foundation is registered with all the above Examination Boards. We accept Private Candidates for nearly all examinations and we are able to accommodate most areas of the GCSE and A Level curriculum.
Our Exam Centre services
We are able to offer Private Candidates the opportunity to take iGCSEs from either Edexcel or Cambridge Assessment International Education (previously known as Cambridge International Examinations).
Controlled Assessment for GCSEs
We are able to take private candidates for some subjects that require controlled assessment. However private candidates are advised to consider iGCSEs, since this often gives candidates the option of taking an exam based route to the same qualification, without the need for coursework or controlled assessment.
Non-Examined Assessments
For some subjects, there is a non-examined assessment unit. Candidates must check with the exam board that their syllabus which has an NEA component is available to private candidates. For example, AQA do not allow private candidates to take the new GCSE English Language 8700 due to the NEA speaking test. However, Edexcel do allow private candidates to take their new GCSE English Language 1EN0.
If a private candidate wishes to take a GCSE or A level that has an NEA component, they are reminded that the work must be conducted at the centre, under centre supervision so that the work can be authenticated by the centre and marked by the centre. Work cannot be accepted that has not be completed under centre supervision.
A Level Science Practicals
Cambridge Assessment International Education (formally known as C.I.E.)
We are able to accommodate the iGCE International A Level science practical examinations that form part of the AS Level course for Biology and Physics only. The date chosen for the practical exam will be the one that is most convenient to the centre.
A Level Sciences (new specification) – Practical Endorsement (12 core practicals)
For the new specifications, candidates are required to do the twelve core practicals across all exam boards. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer these to private candidates at present. For private candidates, we recommend Cambridge Assessment International Education which has a two-hour practical exam as part of the AS and A Level specifications.
Candidates who are re-taking their A level science are able to take their written examinations at this centre, since the practical endorsement will be carried forward.
Modern Foreign Languages
The Tutorial Foundation is currently able to take GCSE and A Level candidates for French, Spanish, Italian, German, Turkish, Arabic, Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) and Dutch since these qualifications require a speaking test. Examinations in other languages are possible as long as there is no speaking test.
In order to register for examinations at this centre, please complete the Prospective Candidates Enquiry form attached here and email it to:
The Examinations Officer will then look at the application and give an exact costing for the exams requested. All initial queries will hopefully be dealt with at this stage via email or telephone.
Unique Candidate Identification (UCI) number
(12 digit number followed by a letter)
This is probably the most important piece of information that the Examinations Officer requires if you are either re-taking an exam, or have taken GCSEs or A Levels in the last five years or so. This enables the examination board to “tally up” all previous results with any re-takes, and give the candidate a new overall grade. This is essential for candidates who are at schools/colleges in Year 13, who are re-taking their AS level qualifications in order to try and achieve improved grades for University applications or, for students taking a “gap” year and wishing to improve on A2 results.
Paying for Exams
Candidates (or their parents/guardians) can pay for examinations by debit or credit card over the telephone, by cash in person at the office, or send a cheque (payable to The Tutorial Foundation, and putting the candidate’s name on the reverse of the cheque and indicating that it is payment for exams). All cheques must be received at the office two weeks before the deadline for entries.
Candidates under 16 years of age
The Tutorial Foundation is able to take on candidates of any age, but if the child is under 16 years of age, then it is important we have contact details so that we are able to communicate with parents/carers should there be a need to. Parents/carers often wait in the car outside the premises. It is possible for one parent/carer to be responsible for up to 6 candidates.
International Candidates
Candidates who are studying abroad via distance learning organisations such as Oxford Open Learning, I.C.S., National Extension College (N.E.C.) etc. can easily apply to take their examinations with us here at The Tutorial Foundation. Identification will need to be authenticated by a professional (e.g. doctor, lawyer, minister of religion, Consulate/Embassy staff), since it will be unlikely that the candidate can present themselves to the centre in person prior to their examination. Telephone and residential contact details whilst in the UK for the period of the examination will need to be taken in case of emergency.