What are the aims, values and ethos of The Tutorial Foundation?
At The Tutorial Foundation we offer a nurturing, caring family environment for our students.
We have very small classes and offer individualised academic pathways to help our students achieve their full potential. As many of our young people have EHCPs and are often school refusers, our trainee SENCO and Student Manager ensure they receive the support they need to achieve their outcomes and improve attendance. Students who need literacy support, follow a programme to boost these critical skills.
Alongside their academic lessons, our students also participate in more therapeutic activities such as cooking, art and PE to build their self-esteem, self-confidence and independent living skills. All of our young people have access to a school counsellor, student mentor and where necessary, a learning mentor. The majority of our Year 11 students move onto college, vocational training or remain in school to gain further qualifications whilst our short-term respite students, are successfully transitioned back into mainstream at the end of their temporary placement.
We want pupils to:
• Enjoy their time at The Tutorial Foundation
• Feel valued
• Acquire a desire for knowledge and learning
• Achieve their best
Our Mission is ….
• To provide personalised learning programmes that give all students equal opportunities to progress and succeed
• To maximise student choices and routes of progression by providing a stimulating inspiring and challenging learning environment
• To foster an atmosphere of tolerance and respect to which everyone can contribute by being active and responsible citizens
• To promote students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. This includes fostering British Values through all areas of school life
We aim to drive learning standards through
… Engagement; Challenge; Autonomy and Feedback