The Tutorial Foundation has been established for over 40 years, providing high-quality education for all ages and abilities of children and adults.
Our pupils range from scholarship level to those struggling to keep up with their class. They are aged 5 to 18+, and come to us for advice, assessment and individually tailored tuition.
We aim to fire their imaginations while strengthening their basic skills, enabling them to develop confidence in themselves and their abilities. We create a happy and caring atmosphere to enable each child to reach their full potential.
Our pupils study a wide range of subjects and levels plus we also cover exam practice and Personal Statements. If you have any educational needs, we are sure to be able to help.
Every prospective pupil starts with a detailed assessment which reveals the child’s potential and pinpoints any areas of weakness. The assessment lasts for three hours and is conducted by experienced staff in a relaxed, stress-free atmosphere. A series of tests examines the child’s proficiency in Mathematics, English and Verbal Reasoning. A report and recommendations are drawn up and discussed with parents at a subsequent meeting, when the child is not present.*
Although the Assessment is a penetrating analysis of the child’s performance and potential, it has been very carefully designed to ensure that children enjoy it, and that they derive from it some sense of achievement. We also offer a re-assessment to those children who have had 6 months or more tuition with us. The report will measure the progress made and indicate what further tuition, if any, is required.
General Information for Tuition in Bromley
Tuition is available in the following subjects: Mathematics, English, Science, Modern Languages, Latin, Computer Studies, History, Geography, Business Studies, Economics, Psychology, Religious Studies and English for Speakers of other Languages. Other subjects are available on request.
All subjects are taught in accordance with the requirements of the child’s school work, and can be taken up to A level standard and beyond. Tuition takes place on a daily, weekly or fortnightly basis dependent on the pupil’s needs.
The Tutorial Foundation is open seven days a week and we do not close during the school holidays. The pupil is therefore able to make good progress in a relatively short space of time and at a pace with which he or she is able to cope.
All tutoring is conducted at The Tutorial Foundation.