Dear Parent/Carer
The festive period can be both a relaxing and happy time but it can also be challenging and difficult, for many different reasons.
If, over the Christmas break, you find it to be a tough time, there are people who can help you and give you support if you need it.
Our school website has links and resources to provide support should you need it.
Here are the contact details for a number of organisations who may be able to help you or someone that you know:
Alcohol Change UK- Leading Alcohol support charity ·
Bromley Changes- Offers a range of treatment and support services for young people aged up to 18 who have concerns about their drug or alcohol use 0208 313 1107 ·
Childline- A counselling service for children and young people 0800 1111 ·
Papyrus- Provide confidential help and advice to young people not coping with life and considering suicide or anyone worried about a young person 0800 068 4141 ·
Refuge- Provide 24 hour support for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf 0808 2000 247 ·
Samaritans- Provide emotional support to anyone in emotional distress or struggling to cope 116 123
SLAM 24 hour crisis line provides 24 hour mental health support 0800 731 2864 ·
Talk together Bromley- provides talking therapies and specialist support for adults registered with a Bromley GP 0300 003 3000
Emergency Support
If you or someone else feels unsafe due to their mental health then you/they should go to your nearest Accident and Emergency Department where the psychiatric liaison team can help.
If you are concerned about an immediate risk of harm – either to yourself or to someone else – you should phone 999 and ask for an ambulance or the police.
Stay safe and enjoy the break until school re-opens on Monday 4th January.
Kind regards,
Sharon Oakes